Result Untitled Document Heparin cofactor IISourceHomo sapiens (human) Taxonomy Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.Keywords3D-structure; Blood coagulation; Chemotaxis; Complete proteome; Direct protein sequencing; Disease mutation; Glycoprotein; Heparin-binding; Phosphoprotein; Polymorphism; Protease inhibitor; Repeat; Serine protease inhibitor; Signal; Sulfation; Thrombophilia.DetailsFunction: Thrombin inhibitor activated by the glycosaminoglycans, heparin or dermatan sulfate. In the presence of the latter, HC-II becomes the predominant thrombin inhibitor in place of antithrombin III (AT-III). Also inhibits chymotrypsin, but in a glycosaminoglycan-independent manner. Peptides at the N-terminal of HC-II have chemotactic activity for both monocytes and neutrophils. Post-translational modification: Phosphorylation sites are present in the extracelllular medium. Similarity: Belongs to the serpin family. Tissue specificity: Expressed predominantly in liver. Also present in plasma. Disease: Defects in SERPIND1 are the cause of heparin cofactor 2 deficiency (HCF2D) Sequence length: 499 AA. SequenceMKHSLNALLIFLIITSAWGGSKGPLDQLEKGGETAQSADPQWEQLNNKNLSMPLLPADFHKENTVTNDWIPEGEEDDDYLDLEKIFSEDDDYIDIVDSLSVSPTDSDVSAGNILQLFHGKSRIQRLNILNAKFAFNLYRVLKDQVNTFDNIFIAPVGISTAMGMISLGLKGETHEQVHSILHFKDFVNASSKYEITTIHNLFRKLTHRLFRRNFGYTLRSVNDLYIQKQFPILLDFKTKVREYYFAEAQIADFSDPAFISKTNNHIMKLTKGLIKDALENIDPATQMMILNCIYFKGSWVNKFPVEMTHNHNFRLNEREVVKVSMMQTKGNFLAANDQELDCDILQLEYVGGISMLIVVPHKMSGMKTLEAQLTPRVVERWQKSMTNRTREVLLPKFKLEKNYNLVESLKLMGIRMLFDKNGNMAGISDQRIAIDLFKHQGTITVNEEGTQATTVTTVGFMPLSTQVRFTVDRPFLFLIYEHRTSCLLFMGRVANPSRSAccession NumberP05546 PubMed ID2894851, 1671335, 15461802, 14702039, 3003690, 3755044, 3907702, 2841345, 1985958, 1939083, 2104620, 16335952, 19159218, 19824718, 2647747, 10391209, 11204559, 15337701 CEX DBHS_SERPIND1CTD DB3053eggNOG DBprNOG06861Ensembl DBENST00000215727, ENST00000406799Genecard DBGC22P019452GeneID DB3053GermOnline DBENSG00000099937GO DB0005576, 0008201, 0004867, 0007596, 0006935HGNC DB4838HOGENOM DBHBG281494HPA DBCAB008639InterPro DBIPR000295, IPR000215H-InvDBHIX0027857IPI DBIPI00879573KEGGhsa:3053NCBIM12849, AAA52642, M58600, AAA52641, CR456573, CAG30459, AK314200, BAG36878, CH471176.2, EAX02941, X03498, CAA27218, M33660, AAA36185, NP_000176.2NMPDR fig|9606.3.peg.21291OMADFHKENTOMIM105200, 134820, 202400, 134830, 202400, 134850, 202400, 176930, 601367, 134390, 188055, 227400, 600880, 601367, 612309, 227500, 134500, 306700, 300746, 306900, 227600, 176860, 188050, 612283, 612304, 176880, 612336, 264900, 612416, 234000, 610618, 610619, 229000, 612423, 107300, 188050, 134570, 134580, 193400, 277480, 228960, 612358, 176895, 173350, 188050, 217090, 173370, 142360, 188050, 612356OrthoDBEOG9XPT1NPDB1JMJ_A, 1JMJ_B, 1JMO_APfamPF00079PharmaGKBPA35053PROSITE DBPS00284SMART DBSM00093UCSCuc002ztb.1UniGeneHs.474270
Heparin cofactor II
Function: Thrombin inhibitor activated by the glycosaminoglycans, heparin or dermatan sulfate. In the presence of the latter, HC-II becomes the predominant thrombin inhibitor in place of antithrombin III (AT-III). Also inhibits chymotrypsin, but in a glycosaminoglycan-independent manner. Peptides at the N-terminal of HC-II have chemotactic activity for both monocytes and neutrophils. Post-translational modification: Phosphorylation sites are present in the extracelllular medium. Similarity: Belongs to the serpin family. Tissue specificity: Expressed predominantly in liver. Also present in plasma. Disease: Defects in SERPIND1 are the cause of heparin cofactor 2 deficiency (HCF2D) Sequence length: 499 AA.
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