Result Untitled Document KininogenSourceHomo sapiens (human) Taxonomy Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.KeywordsAlternative splicing; Blood coagulation; Complete proteome; Direct protein sequencing; Disulfide bond; Glycoprotein; Hydroxylation; Inflammatory response; Phosphoprotein; Polymorphism; Protease inhibitor; Pyrrolidone carboxylic acid; Repeat; Secreted; Signal; Thiol protease inhibitor; Vasoactive; Vasodilator.DetailsFunction: (1) Kininogens are inhibitors of thiol proteases; (2) HMW-kininogen plays an important role in blood coagulation by helping to position optimally prekallikrein and factor XI next to factor XII; (3) HMW-kininogen inhibits the thrombin- and plasmin-induced aggregation of thrombocytes; (4) the active peptide bradykinin that is released from HMW-kininogen shows a variety of physiological effects: (4A) influence in smooth muscle contraction, (4B) induction of hypotension, (4C) natriuresis and diuresis, (4D) decrease in blood glucose level, (4E) it is a mediator of inflammation and causes (4E1) increase in vascular permeability, (4E2) stimulation of nociceptors (4E3) release of other mediators of inflammation (e.g. prostaglandins), (4F) it has a cardioprotective effect (directly via bradykinin action, indirectly via endothelium-derived relaxing factor action); (5) LMW-kininogen inhibits the aggregation of thrombocytes; (6) LMW-kininogen is in contrast to HMW-kininogen not involved in blood clotting. Post-translational modification: Bradykinin is released from kininogen by plasma kallikrein. Hydroxylation of Pro-383 occurs prior to the release of bradykinin. Phosphorylation sites are present in the extracelllular medium. Similarity: Contains 3 cystatin domains. Subcellular location: Secreted, extracellular space. Tissue specificity: Secreted in plasma. T-kinin is detected in malignant ovarian, colon and breast carcinomas, but not in benign tumors. Disease: Defects in KNG1 are the cause of high molecular weight kininogen deficiency (HMWK deficiency) Alternative products: Event=Alternative splicing; Named isoforms=2; Name=HMW; IsoId=P01042-1; Sequence=Displayed; Name=LMW; IsoId=P01042-2; Sequence=VSP_001261, VSP_001262. Sequence length: 644 AA. SequenceMKLITILFLCSRLLLSLTQESQSEEIDCNDKDLFKAVDAALKKYNSQNQSNNQFVLYRITEATKTVGSDTFYSFKYEIKEGDCPVQSGKTWQDCEYKDAAKAATGECTATVGKRSSTKFSVATQTCQITPAEGPVVTAQYDCLGCVHPISTQSPDLEPILRHGIQYFNNNTQHSSLFMLNEVKRAQRQVVAGLNFRITYSIVQTNCSKENFLFLTPDCKSLWNGDTGECTDNAYIDIQLRIASFSQNCDIYPGKDFVQPPTKICVGCPRDIPTNSPELEETLTHTITKLNAENNATFYFKIDNVKKARVQVVAGKKYFIDFVARETTCSKESNEELTESCETKKLGQSLDCNAEVYVVPWEKKIYPTVNCQPLGMISLMKRPPGFSPFRSSRIGEIKEETTVSPPHTSMAPAQDEERDSGKEQGHTRRHDWGHEKQRKHNLGHGHKHERDQGHGHQRGHGLGHGHEQQHGLGHGHKFKLDDDLEHQGGHVLDHGHKHKHGHGHGKHKNKGKKNGKHNGWKTEHLASSSEDSTTPSAQTQEKTEGPTPIPSLAKPGVTVTFSDFQDSDLIATMMPPISPAPIQSDDDWIPDIQIDPNGLSFNPISDFPDTTSPKCPGRPWKSVSEINPTTQMKESYYFDLTDGLSAccession NumberP01042 PubMed ID6441591, 2989293, 14702039, 15489334, 3484703, 3828072, 2076202, 4054110, 3366244, 4952632, 7589467, 2989294, 3182782, 12754519, 14760718, 16335952, 19159218, 19824718 CEX DBHS_KNG1CTD DB3827eggNOG DBprNOG15782Ensembl DBENST00000265023Genecard DBGC03P187917GeneID DB3827GermOnline DBENSG00000113889GO DB0005615, 0004869, 0008201, 0005102, 0008270, 0007596, 0030146, 0007204, 0007186, 0006954, 0030147, 0030195, 0007162, 0043065, 0006939, 0042311HGNC DB6383HPA DBCAB009809, HPA001616, HPA001645InterPro DBIPR002395, IPR000010, IPR018073H-InvDBHIX0030808IPI DBIPI00032328, IPI00215894KEGGhsa:3827NCBIK02566, AAA35497, M11437, AAB59550, M11438, M11521, M11522, M11523, M11524, M11525, M11526, M11527, M11528, AAB59551, AK315230, BAG37659, AY248697, AAO61092, AK290839, BAF83528, AK223589, BAD97309, CH471052.2, EAW78179, BC060039, AAH60039, NP_000884OMAGRPWKPVOMIM105200, 134820, 202400, 134830, 202400, 134850, 202400, 176930, 601367, 134390, 188055, 227400, 600880, 601367, 612309, 227500, 134500, 306700, 300746, 306900, 227600, 176860, 188050, 612283, 612304, 176880, 612336, 264900, 612416, 234000, 610618, 610619, 229000, 612423, 107300, 188050, 134570, 134580, 193400, 277480, 228960, 612358Orphanet DB483OrthoDBEOG9PG8KHPfamPF00031PharmaGKBPA225PROSITE DBPS00287SMART DBSM00043UCSCuc003fqr.1, uc010hyt.1UniGeneHs.77741
Function: (1) Kininogens are inhibitors of thiol proteases; (2) HMW-kininogen plays an important role in blood coagulation by helping to position optimally prekallikrein and factor XI next to factor XII; (3) HMW-kininogen inhibits the thrombin- and plasmin-induced aggregation of thrombocytes; (4) the active peptide bradykinin that is released from HMW-kininogen shows a variety of physiological effects: (4A) influence in smooth muscle contraction, (4B) induction of hypotension, (4C) natriuresis and diuresis, (4D) decrease in blood glucose level, (4E) it is a mediator of inflammation and causes (4E1) increase in vascular permeability, (4E2) stimulation of nociceptors (4E3) release of other mediators of inflammation (e.g. prostaglandins), (4F) it has a cardioprotective effect (directly via bradykinin action, indirectly via endothelium-derived relaxing factor action); (5) LMW-kininogen inhibits the aggregation of thrombocytes; (6) LMW-kininogen is in contrast to HMW-kininogen not involved in blood clotting. Post-translational modification: Bradykinin is released from kininogen by plasma kallikrein. Hydroxylation of Pro-383 occurs prior to the release of bradykinin. Phosphorylation sites are present in the extracelllular medium. Similarity: Contains 3 cystatin domains. Subcellular location: Secreted, extracellular space. Tissue specificity: Secreted in plasma. T-kinin is detected in malignant ovarian, colon and breast carcinomas, but not in benign tumors. Disease: Defects in KNG1 are the cause of high molecular weight kininogen deficiency (HMWK deficiency) Alternative products: Event=Alternative splicing; Named isoforms=2; Name=HMW; IsoId=P01042-1; Sequence=Displayed; Name=LMW; IsoId=P01042-2; Sequence=VSP_001261, VSP_001262. Sequence length: 644 AA.
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